The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1294287
Posted By: GUEST,Old Guy
11-Oct-04 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Does Kerry or Edwards give any credit to Bush for the election in Afghanistan? Nope, they would rather dwell on things like the opium crop and Tora Bora where they magically know Osama got away.

Kerry and Edwards say there is a ban on stem cell research when they are cutting down Bush. What ban? Anybody can do whatever stem cell research they want. There is no ban on stem cell research. There is limited federal funding for stem cell research. This is a half empty / half full situation where Kerry calls a limit a ban. There is a limit to how much welfare one can receive. Is there a ban on welfare?

"John Kerry And John Edwards Support Lifting The Ban On Stem Cell Research."

Kerry says about the war in Iraq:"The price-tag so far: $200 billion and rising every day."

"One liberal group, the Center for American Progress (CAP), comes up with a higher figure in an August 25 report: "so far, the war has cost the United States $144.4 billion." But that figure is produced by simply padding the OMB's $119 billion figure with $25 billion approved by Congress as an "emergency appropriation" signed into law by Bush on Aug. 5."
"Nevertheless, Kerry further pads the $144 billion figure by adding another $60 billion that his campaign says the Bush administration is expected to ask for after the election, as a supplemental appropriation. It is true that the Congressional Budget Office has estimated that an additional $56 billion will be required next fiscal year. But that's money that won't be spent until next year, and even then it's padded with more than $9 billion that doesn't actually apply to Iraq."

Kerry said. "I believe it's wrong to be opening firehouses in Baghdad and closing them in the United States of America."

Local governments open and close firehouses. Local governments have had a decline in collected taxes due to a recession that began in spring 2000 when the Internet bubble burst. So whom is responsible for closing firehouses?

Kerry: "His miscalculation was going to war without planning carefully and without the allies that we should have had at our side," Kerry said. "As a result, America has paid nearly 90 percent of the bill in Iraq. Contrast that with the Gulf War, where our allies paid 95 percent of the costs."
If the first gulf war was done correctly why did he vote against that one and for this one?

So, If you believe John Kerry is presenting the facts correctly and giving credit where credit is due, vote for Kerry

My position is subject to change.

Old Guy