The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74261   Message #1294510
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Oct-04 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Battling squirrels
Subject: RE: BS: Battling squirrels
The squirrels ARE entitled to the seeds, Dianavan. Your mistake is not putting some seed around at ground level also or in other alternative locations where the squirrels can easily get it.

Nature did not create seeds for the exclusive use of birds only, but people insist on making up these little artificial agendas in their minds and then getting obsessive about them...rather like the artificial agenda which causes many people to drench their lawns in toxic plant poisons which kill every other plant except the grass. Lunacy, in my opinion. It is lunacy to try to limit seed-eating to birds only.

Seeds are for squirrels, birds, chipmunks, mice, and anything else that happens to like seeds.

Do like my friend does and put out multiple feeders. The squirrels and birds will both thank you.

Brucie - you missed the second 'r'. :-)