The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1294528
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Oct-04 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Read "Roger's Recovery From Aids" for a very interesting alternative viewpoint that will not give comfort to the AMA. It was written BY an M.D. about his cure of a fellow M.D.'s Aids illness, which was rapidly becoming terminal. The illness was cured completely over about a year by methods which included ceasing the intake of any and all drugs, fasting, cleansing the digestive tract, getting more fresh air and sunlight, eliminating harmful foods and drinks (such as coffee and alcohol, among many others), a daily exercise regimen, elimination of sources of stress, and so on...major lifestyle changes, in other words.

The patient was completely cured by those methods. He had tested positive for Aids virus prior to that in hospitals (and no doubt about it), he tested negative for the Aids virus afterward in those same hospitals, confouding the administrators. These two M.D.'s subsequently used these same methods to cure other apparently terminal Aids patients. The virus disappeared from the body when the immune sytem fully recovered...because the immune system would then throw out the virus.

Most people are far too lazy and set in their ways to make the variety of major lifestyle changes necessary, and they are not going to do it, nor is the AMA going to encourage them to. It would interfere with the sale of drugs, junk food, alcohol, coffee, and a ton of other lucrative and everyday stuff.

The M.D.'s conclusion was this: The virus does not cause Aids, it finds a host with a broken down immune system (due to bad lifestyle problems) and attaches itself to the host as a symptom of that broken down immune system. The host dies because OF the broken down immune system and the presence of the virus is a symptom...just as flies and bacteria appear quickly on a decaying piece of meat and help to break it down.

Wherever you find general lifestyle conditions which break down the immune system you will find a fertile ground to host the Aids virus, but the virus is not the original cause of the illness, it's a symptom of it.

Most people nowadays are already living in a fashion which is somewhat inviting to the virus, they just have to push it to the point where their immune system starts to break down badly enough to allow the virus in, and it certainly helps in that case if they are exposed to the virus in some way.

And I know that most of you won't believe that for a minute, cos your minds are already made up. You'd rather believe in the boogeyman, the unstoppable virus killer. Fine. Go ahead. DON'T read the book, cos you might have to alter your medical-religious dogma and maybe even your customarily unhealthy lifestyle if you did...

Needless to say, the conditions in much of Africa are absolutely ideal for bringing about broken-down immune systems.

The two M.D.'s also came to the conclusion that the number 1 factor in breaking down most people's immune systems in our society ones and illegal ones both. So, go take some more expensive prescription drugs for what ails you. Give your immune system a real kick in the chops. Confuse the hell out of it, and see if it goes on strike. I dare you.