The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74303   Message #1294803
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
11-Oct-04 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatters Sponsor SongLinks II track !!
Subject: A Challenge to US Folkies (US-UK Song Links)
I recently happened to be shooting the breeze with Martyn Wyndham-Read and the subject of "Song Links II" came up. (Some of you may already be aware of the "Song Links I" – a double CD, one of English Traditional Songs; the other their Australian variants. For more info check out Martyn's website ).

Song Links II deals with English-US "song links", and Martyn is hoping to fund it pretty much the same way he did the last one: "...funding... was not forthcoming from organisations we had hoped would want to support Song Links. My wife Danni came up with the idea of approaching the Folk Community, that is the festivals, folk clubs, interested individuals, or indeed anyone who loved the music and who would want to be part of this project, and we called this the Dan Plan. I have to say that the response, enthusiasm, goodwill, and generosity was absolutely fantastic..."

Since I'm from the US, he mentioned to me that when he contacted various US folk organizations, the response was "disappointing". As a transplanted Yank, I can tell you that this is a sterling example of British understatement; not only did he not receive a single positive response, but only 2-3 people/organizations gave him the courtesy of any response at all. I have to confess it made me feel a bit embarrassed on behalf of US folkies.

I know it's tough times in the US, but surely we, too, have the capacity for "enthusiasm, goodwill, and generosity" in support of such a worthwhile (not to mention fascinating!) project.

More info from the website:
"For the sum of £300 (~$500 US) you sponsor a track on the CD once again produced by Fellside Recordings, have a 5-line dedication within the CD booklet, giving details and contacts of your club or festival also stating why you liked that particular song or singer, or just a dedication to someone you wish to remember, the choice is yours. We are again using the Dan Plan, which was such a popular success. You also have the opportunity to buy the CD at trade price.

"The singers for the English side will be: The Copper Family, John Copper, Shirley Collins, John Kirkpatrick, Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher, The Wilsons, Mary Humphreys & Anahata, myself Martyn Wyndham-Read, and Emily Portman with Lauren McCormick and Jim Causley who are studying for a degree in Traditional Music.

"Iris Bishop will once again be Musical Co–ordinator. Jeff Davis is co-ordinating the American singers, who are: Jean Ritchie, Tim Eriksen, Jody Stecher, Bruce Molsky, Skip Gorman & Mary Burdette, Cassie Franklin, Sara Grey, Kieron Means, Sheila Kay Adams, and Jeff Davis."

I'm pleased to say that after I posted about this on a different folk mailing list, Sing Out! and The Ark have each decided to sponsor a song, but I am hoping that yet more support will be coming from the US. I to urge you to check out the Song Links Project at Martyn's website (then click on the "Song Links" link) and give it serious consideration. Even if your own group/organization cannot see its way clear to sponsor a track, perhaps you know of another group (or even a person) who could? Or maybe join forces with another group or two?

A friend of mine suggested, "I'm sure there are plenty of us who'd be able to make a donation without needing to have our name on the cut. Especially if we could do it after the election!" Perhaps we could set something up where Mudcatters could contribute individually and the resulting amount could be "from Mudcat"?

BTW, I confess that there has already been a Song Links II thread, but I thought it might be useful to start a thread which will (I hope) be more likely to attract the attention of my fellow "Yank" folkies.

Feel free to ask me any questions you might still have; if you want to contact Martyn, his @ddress is


(Just so you know, I'm not on commission; I have nothing to gain from this, except perhaps a certain sense of pride in the US folk scene supporting an exciting, musically high-quality project that will enrich the world's body of folk material.)