The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74268   Message #1294809
Posted By: GUEST,tarheel
11-Oct-04 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Halloween ridiculous?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Halloween ridiculous?
i loved halloween,when i was a kid...we wore homemade costumes(from old sheets) and met at someones house and roasted hotdogs over an open pit fire and drank hot chocolate!if we scared anyone,i don't remember it,but other kids would come over and we all had a really good time !(and no one got hurt,burned or anything)anyway,as my kids grew old enough to do the halloween thingy,we had to inspect their candy,fruit,everything they brought home,before they could eat it!now,with terrorist lerking around every corner,who knows what may be in the next batch of stuff kids bring home these trying days/nights!god forbid the terrorist or some sick soul,use this event for a chemical attack of some sorts in the "goodies"the kids bring home now!