The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74268   Message #1295479
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
12-Oct-04 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Halloween ridiculous?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Halloween ridiculous?
I really wanted to discuss how sick this "holiday" is today and all the symbolism that makes it such a morbidly twisted commercial event today.

I know what you are getting at, Martin, but don't really agree. I am not sure if anything is that much different today than when we were kids - apart from us:-) I am sure the kids who go around dressed up don't really notice the commercialism any more than we noticed anything but the sweets and gifts of all occasions when we were young.

I have always promised myself that if I ever find myself saying things that my Dad said when I was a lad I would do the decent thing, trade in my sandals and splifs for slippers and a pipe and slip out of the scene unoticed! Even that's changed though - Things that Dad's say aren't what they used to be either;-)
