The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10945   Message #1295535
Posted By: Lighter
12-Oct-04 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Sailor's Way / Across the Line
Subject: RE: Lyrics to Sailor's Way Shanty
No technowizardry, just obsessive listening. I wish I could get all the words off these old recordings. Maybe the Carpenter project is doing better.

One trick is to focus as closely as possible on the individual sounds of uncertain words, write them down and try to imagine what muffled or deleted sounds would create a sensible word. This particular track is "cleaner" than most of the others on the CD to begin with; in other words, few actual scratches and jumps. It's the low fidelity and, in some spots for me, the singer's accent that creates difficulties.

"Nor'east trades" only came after rejecting "Bering Straits," "St. Mary's Straits" (Lake Huron), and the evidently imaginary "Maori, Maury's, [etc.] Straits."