The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74215   Message #1295762
Posted By: Rapparee
12-Oct-04 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Improper uses of toilet paper
Subject: RE: BS: Improper uses of toilet paper
Wolves? Wolves are wimps compared to the Utahraptors and the velociraptors WE had to put up with!

Why, every morning we'd have to fight through packs of them just to walk the 57 miles each way to school, uphill both ways through snow up to our chins, barefoot over shards of broken ice, our feet bleeding and raw, the only protection on the soles of our feet our own frozen blood! And if we killed one, we ate it on the spot because it was the only breakfast we had! And with our bare hands, too, because we couldn't afford gloves, which hadn't been invented yet anyway. In fact, we always walked to school naked -- nobody could see us with the snow up to our chins -- to save our clothes from wearing out too fast. I remember one year when we couldn't get cardboard and used icicles all year.