The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1295827
Posted By: Jeri
12-Oct-04 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Bobert, what you fail to realise about the "AMA company story" is that it's not the AMA. It's every group of knowledgable people in every country around the world. It could be that Mark believe what he believes because it's right? He's demonstrated on several occasions that he is open to unconventional, but logical, theories.

You, on the other hand, seem to disbelieve current knowledge about AIDS and HIV simply because the AMA does believe it. Some people always go with authority figures, and some always go against. Both tendencies mean they don't care as much about facts as who's telling them, they're going to be wrong at least as often as right, and in the meantime, will do their level best to spread propaganda.

I'm not worried about being wrong. I'm worried that you are, and you don't seem to care. It's easy to be so suspiscious of people in authority that when you read an opposing view, you believe THAT without checking. That's what bothers me: people who believe or disbelieve things simply because they fit their pre-conceived notions, and then accuse anyone who disagrees with them as being part of the conspiracy. You believe that many of the people in Africa diagnosed with AIDS don't really have AIDS, but have all the signs and symptoms PLUS false positive tests. You believe the list of conditions that can cause a false positve. Why do you believe that list is correct, when it's also "AMA company policy"?

No, that was a rhetorical question.