The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74348   Message #1296416
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
13-Oct-04 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BBC Poor Value? (UK Interest)
Subject: RE: BS: BBC4 Poor Value?
I sympathise with these views, and I understand what you're saying - but in way it sort of misses the point.

You can bet your sweet ass none of the musicians are becoming millionaires out of this trickle of work.

And yet how much does it cost. Something like say the John Martyn programme, or the Kate Rusby thing.. The BBC's angle is always we're doing you a favour putting your crappy little minority music on TV.

Compared to a programme with really massive talents like Richard and Judy or Michael Parkinson meets Des O'Connor, the translantic sessions probably cost sod all.

Value for money, its a tricky one to work out.....what criteria are being used I think we must ask ourselves. What I'm saying is, these guys wouldn't recognise what is of value to us lot if it bit them on the bum.