The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1296479
Posted By: harpgirl
13-Oct-04 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Thank you for that, M. Ted. I read the entire interview and I intend to read all "reappraisal of AIDS" articles I have googled up. You have stimulated my thinking very consderably this evening. I would like to read Mark's reaction to Eleni's interview and her research. Her discussion of Gallo's faulty logic is difficult to refute. I'd like to hear BillD's response to her discussion of the logic of Gallo's research, as well.

I still believe that behavioral protection against disease is a key to stemming the tide of this (or these) illness(es). But the possibility that environmental agents contribute to AIDS now seems even more likely....

For a long time I have wondered why we haven't come up with a vaccine for AIDS. I suspected without really quite understanding why, that it is because we are using misinformation. Eleni's interview supports that conclusion, IMO.

I have spent many years now in close personal contact with LTNP's as well as many individuals who have since passed on. I have lots of ideas about these individuals and I appreciate all the non-linear and creative thinkers around here as well as the mainstream folks...