The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1296536
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Oct-04 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
Roger was an M.D. practicing at a large hospital in California. He had served in Vietnam in his youth (and had used various illegal drugs there...grass and hashish, I presume). He subsequently came back stateside, went to medical school, and became a highly successful doctor. He was heterosexual, had a stable married life, and was not engaging in promiscuous sexual activities nor taking illegal drugs anymore (after Vietnam). He was leading a remarkably ordinary upper-middle class life, you might say.   Nevertheless he became ill (in the 80's or early 90's, I forget which) and was diagnosed eventually as being HIV-positive. He attempted every conventional treatment known at the time and just got sicker and sicker (because those treatments attack the symptoms...but not the causes of the symptoms). Finally he turned himself over to his best friend, another M.D. whom he totally trusted, and they began to investigate alternative possibilities of treatment since everything else had failed anyway. The book is about what they found out while doing that. They found a cure...and they found out that pretty well all the conventional wisdom about Aids was ass-backwards and fact, highly dangerous and misleading.

The book itself is somewhere among my possessions now, but God knows where. I read it several years ago. I have never seen another copy of it anywhere, but I figure it's probably available somewhere on the Net.