The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74348 Message #1296718
Posted By: Fee
14-Oct-04 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: BBC Poor Value? (UK Interest)
Subject: RE: BBC Poor Value? (UK Interest)
I agree with everything that's already been said...the main reason I wanted to get the freeview box was so I could watch films in (shock horror!!!) foreign languages, and see/hear a wider range of music, drama etc.
If the BBC claims to be a public service broadcaster, funded by what is - effectively - an unavoidable tax (I know people who have no TV and are constantly hassled by the licensing authority), then it damn well SHOULD cater for 'minority' interests. Ooooo...this makes me so annoyed...!!!!
Anyway the logic of this should dictate the following: Radio 3 gets a tiny proportion of listeners compared to 1,2 and, why don't they a) close it down or b)play a bit of Kylie and Robbie Williams every now and again? hmm?.