The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73131   Message #1296765
Posted By: Hand-Pulled Boy
14-Oct-04 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: harriWattsband X Factor not
Subject: RE: harriWattsband X Factor not
Thank you young man. I hope CT got their just monitory rewards at the end of the evening. They are a high energy band who are guided by a vague script that only they can decipher and deserve all of the accolades they ultimately get. How they memorise their song monologues is beyond me but I'm glad they do because they really are funny and, of course beautifully played by two excellent musicians. They didn't play many of their more famous tunes from their infamous 1st CD so try to get to see them again and hopefully you'll hear their delightful 'East Riding Yorkshire Ripper' along with . . . . . . Take your mother too. It'll be an education, although you may end up being 'grounded', totally protected from the evils rantings of such deviants! On to other things; it was good to see Ted and the new look Sophia. Were you sat on her good side or her bad side? I didn't like to ask. She can be a bit volatile (in a nice way you understand)! You don't think she's listening do you? I'm glad to say hWb are progressing quite nicely at a snail's pace which suits us fine as we're not really built for rushing about. Still trying varied material to stop people falling asleep. Glad to hear you're a fan. It's always nice to get off the mark! So until our next outing . . . . . . . . PS we'll be at the Lamp again on November, 17th and here and there beforehand.