The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74153   Message #1296869
Posted By: Sam L
14-Oct-04 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Review: Dylan's Chronicles Vol 1
Subject: RE: Review: Dylan's Chronicles Vol 1
That's what I think, LH. I know it's just a snippet out of the context, but where many artists talk about the sacrifices their family made, Dylan spoke only of his devotion to his family, and the media and fans messing things up. I think at best it must be a dual devotion, because songs don't write and sing themselves. He seems to want something both ways, a la "I don't CARE who threw the glass, man, I just wanna KNOW who threw the glass"--(Don't Look Back). There seems to be something about him that never grew up.

Anyway, I get tired of the overwrought devotion to family thing, not just in Dylan's remarks, but in general, lately. It's like everyone wants a medal for having a family. Movies about people giving up careers to be with their kids, blah blah. If you have to advertise so much about it, it starts to sound like something's wrong.

Maybe people could post some more favorite particular bits? In the little I read, Dylan's off-hand formulation of art as "having much to do with observation, imagination, and experience" was really striking to me. I think I'm getting his version right--it made me forget my own version. I think I had "idea" instead of experience, but "idea" seemed to me the least significant element of art, just a flash to get things going.