The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54491   Message #1297280
Posted By: Helen
14-Oct-04 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Why I love Leonard Cohen's music!
Subject: RE: Why I love Leonard Cohen's music!

I bought a CD called Red, Hot & Blue many years ago - a compilation of a range of modern singers & musicians performing Cole Porter songs. I worked in a public library at the time and used to play it in the library because I chose music which wasn't too loud for the public. I loved every track on the CD except the Tom Waits, which I used to suffer through. Finally one day it clicked with me and I loved his version of the song. Now it is one of my favourite tracks on the album. I bought a recent album of his - ostensibly as a present for hubby - but actually because I wanted it for me too. The one with the song called Alice on it.

We took the tape away with us in Tasmania last year and listened as we drove around. I like it a lot. He is one of the very few singer/songwriters whose lyrics I actually "hear" and whose music and words go together well for me, in my head.

I've seen him acting in a couple of - very far out - movies, too. An interesting bloke.
