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Thread #73670   Message #1297508
Posted By: GUEST,Old Guy
14-Oct-04 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Tia: Winning is the opposite of loosing. Just define loosing first. There are plenty of losers claiming we can't win so winning would be what they think can't be done.


It seems logical that if people were telling lies about Kerry, he would sue them. If there were questions remaining about his military records, he would release them. Why would he try to suppress the distribution of the lies rather than prove that they are lies? Why threaten to do something and not do it? So much for being steady, honest and dependable.

You have not addressed the question about what if a previous administration had taken action on Saddam. It tells me (maybe not others) that you are not thinking through the question to arrive at an answer. The next question I would ask about what if a previous administration had taken action against Saddam is "what would happen in the future if Bush did not take the initiative now"

I think the obvious answer would be even more bloodshed and money wasted.

Answers like it is not justification do not answer anything. What would constitute justification?

You might think I am picking a fight with you but I would really like to know your opinion. I want to know because I can't figure out how someone can come to the conclusion that war is never justified.

I think if nothing is done about Saddam, Iran and Korea we would eventually be living like the Israelis only on a nuclear scale.

And your answer to the question about the distention over the war is that it is not costing any lives. So that means that the insurgents are not considering the distention about the war among Americans a weakness? They are using the divide and conquer strategy. You and every dissenter are playing into their hands. They use the media to their advantage when they tape beheadings and deliver them to Al Jazera. Other muslims see it and it makes them bolder. Americans see it and it makes some of them weaker. They also know some politicians will use the war as a tool to get them elected.

    I thought for a while you were questioning your Anti-bush stance and looking for new evidence but now it seems the doors of the mind are closed.

   I could change my mind.

Old Guy