The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1297515
Posted By: Amos
14-Oct-04 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Your hypothesis that Saddam would have escalated to the level of attacking the United States is not supported by hard facts that I can see, OG.

The fact is a huge number of Iraqi citizens have been sliced and diced because someone thought Saddam should be taken out.

I have never said war is "never justified". The question is, should it be used easily, or as a last extreme measure? Because I respect life and value humans I argue it should be used ONLY when no choice is available. Mister Bush believed otherwise and sent the dogs of war into slaughtering mode.

Politically, this brought about one good thing -- the downfall of the dictatorship of Hussein. But it did it at an awful costs, brutalized lives, slaughtered children, lost American men, and beheaded kidnappees which would not have happened absent the invasion. This is like buying a starving child a Kiddy Meal and paying $3,000 dollars for it -- and then beating the kid up because she doesn't appreciate how much you are spending to help her. It was exorbitant and misguided, and it was (I believe) done for other reasons than those announced to you and to me.

As for Kerry, it may seem logical to you that he should be suing folks right now, instead of focusing on the campaign, but at least grant him the right to decide such things for himself. If I were in his shoes I would feel a mite too busy to worry about natterers like the Swift Boat Liars for Bush. There is no reason to presume guilt because he isn't behaving the way you would.