The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73980   Message #1297608
Posted By: fiddler
15-Oct-04 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 05 is alive?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 05 is alive?
These thread will run and run, I find it amazing after hearing grizzles about the price of Sidmouth tickets for years a figure of 90 squids is being quoted for teh dance element of the fringe festival.

Tony, At least yours is free!!!

I still beleive we should all be doing Sidmouth in EXile to make the town and traders realise what is what so to speak if you know what I mean (like man!)

By the same token I also understand why you all want to be there so I wouldn't criticise you all on that level either.

I watch with interest.

Steve of Sidmouth seems to be giving a good an informed commentary on the local politics but is begining to sound not just a council basher now (as I have accused him previously) but a festival cynic too - in this case I can't blame him for either.

Hugs to all and keep singing folks.
