The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74106   Message #1297755
Posted By: Splott Man
15-Oct-04 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
1. I once hitched a lift from one of Fleetwood Mac

2. I once got a lift to college in a white, open top Rolls Royce, and when I got there, nobody saw

3. I had my first grey hair at 24 – in my beard

4. I can't swim

5. My Mum was a darts champion

6. My sister is a retired window cleaner

7. I can play Turkey In The Straw on a plectrum, on my teeth with a teaspoon, and on my nose with my fingers, but not at the same time (this is in danger of becoming a separate thread)

8. After A levels I stopped shaving for three weeks, when I went back to school for sports day, nobody noticed my beard

9. I have met the astronaut (Tom Akers) who mended the Hubble telescope

10. I'm 57 and I have yet to meet someone else with my surname other than my parents and siblings

That's the first 10 I could think of. There'll be more I'm sure.
Incidentally duellingbouzoukis, my beard was ginger before it went grey, and now my eldest's is too, yet no ginger hair on either of our heads.