The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74438   Message #1298481
Posted By: Charley Noble
16-Oct-04 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Swift Boat for Truth Sunk!
Subject: BS: Swift Boat for Truth Sunk!
Here's a summary:

"ABC News Nightline went to Vietnam and interviewed villagers who witnessed the firefight in February 1969 that led to John Kerry being awarded a Silver Star. The incident is a center piece of the allegations made by the so-called 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth', whose leader John O'Neill has claimed that there was no firefight and that Kerry shot dead a fleeing teenager. Nightline's detailed interviews with the villagers, including former Viet Cong fighters who took part in the incident, verified Kerry's account of events. When confronted by Nightline's Ted Koppel, a clearly rattled O'Neill refused to address the content of the report."

Charley Noble