The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74439   Message #1298558
Posted By: Fishpicker
16-Oct-04 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
This country needs to have a two party system, not the current sold out republicrat party! A vote for a third party candidate, by those that believe this is important and even though it seems futile at this point, somewhere down the road will give us a choice other than the lesser of two weavils. There is no difference between kerry and beorge gush in the final analysis they are both sold out to big business. Both are tax and spend globalists liars IMO. Ralph Nader has actually done something possitive as a consumer advocate in his long career that we all have benefited from. I am against bush's fourth reich approach as much as kerry's preppy do nothing daddy approach. To get this republic back to something close to what it once was we need to start attempting to vote something other than carpet baggers into office. This doesn't happen immediatly but takes long enough for citizens to become so disgusted with business as usual that they bring about that change. There will be less and less definition between presidential candidtates in the future untill we all step up to the plate and vote these parasites out!
