The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74439   Message #1298561
Posted By: GUEST
16-Oct-04 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
As I expected, none of you gentlemen seem to understand that the self-labeled "progressives" pimping for Kerry have already fractured the global and national movements which had mobilized against Bush. The Democrats have very skillfully and intentionally, not to mention successfully, disemboweled the left by demonizing Nader.

We had MILLIONS of people marching against Bush before the sell-outs like Noam Chomsky (in order to protect his cushy academic job, I'm sure) insisted the dissent be silenced, and everyone fall in lock step behind Kerry and the Democratic Leadership Council.

The movements for true social, economic, and political change that had surged and grown dramatically in the wake of the Bush/Cheney election theft of 2000, have now effectively been destroyed by the liberal pimps and sell-outs for Kerry and the DLC.

Regardless of who wins in November now, the momentum that was present to bring all sorts of disenfranchised and disillusioned workers, peace activists, immigrants, single women, progressive blocks of communities of color, etc that were pouring into the streets in 2003 to protest the war and Bush's policies like the Patriot Act, were jailed by the Democrats in Boston this summer, and no one on the left said boo about it.

The strategy of the Anybody But Bush Democrats has been very savvy indeed. They cut off the heads of those movements, and jailed those activists who DARED to challenge their power and supremacy when they showed up in the streets of Boston, in order to insure victory for themselves.