The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74059   Message #1298878
Posted By: Rasener
17-Oct-04 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: Gainsborough Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Festival
Its unfortunate that I can't attend today (Sunday)

I have to compliment the Gainsborough Folk Club for putting on such an excellent event. All too often, the work required in the background to make such an event succesful goes unoticed. I won't mention names, but those that contributed will know who they ara and deserve a gold star.

I support the comments made by Mrs Sooze and Strollin' Johnny.

I particularly enjoyed the Friday evening Floorspot event in the Great Hall, even if I was pulling pints all night hic, hic, hic.

The same can be said for the afternoon concert yesterday where Bob Cleveland did an excellent job of Mc'ing the event and singing such lovely songs with excellent guitar backing by Ernie Geddes - Well done Bob.
What can you say about Brian Dawson and Bill Meek and John Conolly that hasn't already been said before.
Thoroughly enjoyable concert.

Last night was first class and I re-iterate the comments made by Sooz and SJ. If I had to pick out a song from last night that I enjoyed the most, it would be very difficult, because I enjoyed them all.

However, I can't resist making a comment about one song in particular.
It was "Greek Lightning" sung by Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies. It was awesome and sung and played with such feel. Beeeeeeeeeaaaaaaauuuuuutiful.