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Thread #74439   Message #1298997
Posted By: GUEST
17-Oct-04 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Of course you applaud candidates that say "vote for the other guy, not me". That is because the fear people have of standing up to the Bush/Cheney camp is so strong, that they have lost track of their spines.

And if you think John Kerry has a spine he will use to stand up to the plutocracy, you are seriously deluded. He will represent the interests of the plutocracy, NOT the citizens of the US of A and the world.

I am advocating EVERYONE vote. I just refuse to advocate that EVERYONE vote for Kerry. I don't see Kerry as the messiah that the Anybody But Bush camp keeps proclaiming him to be. I see widespread evidence of a deep and wide reactionary voting pattern amongst people who will vote for Bush or Kerry, because that way they don't need to think about what a Bush presidency or Kerry presidency will mean.

Bush and Kerry are both the products being sold by the two corporate parties, which are just like Disney and Viacom. The duopoly candidates are two corporate entities competing for market share, and selling different brands of the same product.

And I, along with millions of other true progessives, am not buying what they are selling.