The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74439   Message #1299105
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Oct-04 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Selling toothpaste and selling a candidate is a very similar process in the prevailing $y$tem... :-)

Did you know that swishing some salty water around in your mouth after brushing your teeth in the evening will go farther to protect them than the expensive commercially sold products will? It will not protect you, however, against a 2-party corporate dictatorship that masquerades as a democracy.

Did you know that shaving foam is a totally useless product? Try using a little lathered shampoo instead. It works great, and the razor doesn't get plugged up with sticky gunk from it either. Way cheaper than shaving foam, and works better be cleaning off oils from your skin and the razor.

Another totally useless product: drinking straws. Pointless.

Another totally useless product: Electric can opener. Ridiculous. People who think they need one should buy a machine to yawn and sneeze for them too, I suppose.

Here's another tip: Fresh human urine kills athlete's foot fungus totally dead. Use your own in the shower, then shower it off and wash it down the drain. Costs nothing, unlike the expensive anti-fungal creams and other remedies you are encouraged to buy at the drugstore.

A pity that one can't achieve the same clean sweep of resident vermin and parasites by peeing on the political $y$tem, isn't it?