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Thread #73670   Message #1299137
Posted By: Amos
17-Oct-04 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
No one can bring up a single facet about Kerry that is not supportive of him with out be called a liar, stupid, right wing extremist and a Bush propagandist.

This is a bit of a generalization, OG. I haven't called you a liar or stupid, nor have I called you an extremist or a propagandist.

I object to some of the knee-jerk reactions offered by Republicans, and I am sure there are similar reactions provided by Kerry supporters which tick oyu off. I don't think either of us enjoy mob-think, and unfortunately ew are living in a time when politicized, polarized mob-think is the order of the day.

As for offering information about Kerry that is not supportive of his campaign, feel free -- if it is information. But when it is instead exagerrated, or distorted, or mis-represented, expect some rebuttal. Unfortunately (in my experience, anyway) I have seen a lot more of tht kind of information-distortion coming from the Bush camp than the Kerry camp. A simple example: Kerry says "If you ask Dick Cheney's daughter she would say she was just being as God made her" (rather than choosing her lesbian lifestyle). The Bush camp (actually including Mary Cheny herself, funnily enough) takes this communication, which was compassionate and tolerant, and tries to twist it into an untoward attack.

This sort of twist and slash messaging is useless, and merely upsets people.