The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73265   Message #1299141
Posted By: GUEST
17-Oct-04 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido
Subject: RE: BS: Verbal Violence; Verbal Aikido
He tried to scan and make a copy
sadly his PC refused, on strike went the floppy

The bits and the bytes and the board jumped in too
they jumped outta the case and chanted "FRELL YOU!"

He dashed outta the house in shock and in fear
to his own PC he'd never return, and now shed a tear

he went down to circuit city to see if they could help
they took one look at him, and said "Get out you Whelp"

We build PCs for scientists and engineers to
why this PC here would go on strike too

If they all ever knew what you'd tried to do
The modems would beep at you, and the onboard speaker too

Then the hard drives would rattle and you'd see the blue screen of death
Why the whole experience would be enough to put you on meth

So there you would be, all alone shooting dope in an alley
and one day a hot fix would kill you and set your soul free

Then you'd arrive at heavens gate, youd see st pete and he would say
So, you screwed up on mudcat, shot dope and died, get thee away!