The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74439   Message #1299151
Posted By: GUEST
17-Oct-04 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
You are full of shit Frank, and mouthing the propaganda of the Anybody But Bush Democratic Leadership Council camp, about supposed Republican funding and signature gathering for Nader. How about we talk about the anti-democratic initimdation campaign the Democrats have waged against Nader? The Democratic party's lawsuits to keep Nader off the ballot in 20 states? The knocks on the doors in the middle of the night of signature gatherers for Nader, threatening them with legal action if they "illegally" accept a voter registration from someone who isn't eligible to vote?

You are completely out of step with the times. The groups that are coalescing together on the left are leaving your generation's fractured tendencies behind, and uniting under a new unified banner. We aren't the lame ass AFL-CIO angry white men anymore.

We are united as never before against war, racism, exploitation, and in defense of civil liberties and civil and human rights. We aren't beholden to corporate power or corporate unions like the AFL-CIO, which has actively campaigned to stop today's Million Worker March.

Why the attempt to stop union members from participating in today's march? Simple: the Kerry campaign told them to oppose it. We know damn well whose side Senator John Kerry is on, and it most certainly isn't the workers, especially the unorganized working poor of this country. John Kerry has said it over and over and over again: he is working for the middle class, not the working class and the poor.

We know which side our bread is buttered on, thank you very much.