The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74474   Message #1299278
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
17-Oct-04 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Traditional German instruments?
Subject: Traditional German instruments?
The following message was sent to 'German folk music II':

i really do need information about germany's traditional music instruments, some some traditonal music , [pictures and how they play them,,, but most, What are the main instruments in germany. can someone please help me!



I thought it might be better to start a new thread. (eMail sent.)

Guest, I'm not an instrumentalist and can't help you much there. Maybe you could let us know what period you're thinking of, what you need the info for etc. It might not help you to know that nowadays the main instruments are the guitar, the fiddle and the four-string banjo (at least among the musicians I associate with). However, Germany used to have her own types of bagpipes which were called the same - Sackpfeifen. The fiddle must have figured a lot, and different kinds of wind instruments that now seem ancient to us, like the Krummhorn (a kind of early oboe, I believe).