The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71751   Message #1299389
Posted By: dianavan
17-Oct-04 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Subject: RE: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Larry K. said, "speeches and rallys cause terrorists to think the USA is divided and weak, it helps them recruit more terrorists"

Wrong Larry K. - Killing innocent civilians, destroying infrastructure and ripping off resources helps them recruit more terrorists. Speeches and rallys send a message that there are people in America who think war is unnecessary.

I protested against the war in VietNam before, during and after my brother was in VietNam. I also wore a celtic knot braided around my wrist to remember him at all times. It didn't come off until he was returned to us safely.

War is not waged by soldiers. War is the result of inept politicians. The soldiers are members of our families. Nobody should die for the inability of politicians to negotiate a peaceful resolution. Wars are also caused by greed and ignorance. I hope protesting sends a message to the people of Iraq that I do not agree with the killing of innocent civilians.

As to torture - Who is to say what form of torture is worse or who's methods are worse. Toture is torture. I personally know someone who was one of Saddam's prisoners. Yes, it was hell sharing a tiny cell with another. Yes, it was hell to eat nothing but tomato soup and bread. Yes, although he hasn't told us about it yet, he was probably tortured. He was not, however, photographed in pornographic poses. That would probably have destroyed him. At least he is capable of having normal, healthy relationships with others. Shame is not a part of him.
