The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74479   Message #1299391
Posted By: Bobert
17-Oct-04 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Bobert's Impressions of Getaway 2004...
Subject: RE: Bobert's Impressions of Getaway 2004...
Yeah, I almost forgot. Fir anyone out oin Ctaland who thinks that the bearded-one is normal...... Not!

I check into my frigerbator room wid my sleeping bag and 297 feet of rope and there's a workshop going on by the bearded-one entitled "taking care of muses" 'er something like that? Now here are about a half dozen folks sittin' in a parlor room wid a bunch of las' years Holloween candy spread out on a table and they are all jus' starin' at the candy???

Now, I din't even get that far into the story with the Wes Ginny Slide Rule before it declared the entire bunch nuts! No, not the candy, dangit...

You all see wad I mean?

I never say the bearded-one affer that the entire time I was there but he fly in from wherever wid a bucnh of his friends to wacth-guard over a table fiull of stale candy fir an hour???

And these guys were the most noramal folks I met the entire time????

I rest me case...
