The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72310   Message #1299758
Posted By: GUEST,Joe
18-Oct-04 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: WHITBY !!
Subject: RE: WHITBY !!
Pay your money and take your choice - what's the point of spitting feathers about what's "official" and what's "fringe"? Horse's mouth?.....Donkey's Ass - "only on the fringe"!! - it's a bloody big fringe (and I don't need to be RELIABLY informed on that - I'm happy to witness it year in year out).

Whitby's fantastic; just enjoy it. If you want to be part of the so-called "Main event" then fine; pay up and enjoy. If you prefer the "fringe" then enjoy AT LEAST as much, but without paying.
The real beauty of the festival (unlike any other probably) is that you can find what you're looking for in music/dance, or if you can't then go spend your time campaigning for re-runs of "Big Brother" or the Telly-tubbies