The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74439   Message #1299843
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
18-Oct-04 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'

Nader has taken $8,000 from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth which he hasn't returned. These are the smear group that is headed by John O'Neil and financed by members of the RNC and billionaires like T. Boone Pickens. This is the group that is illegally airing the "Stolen Honor" smear-umentary on John Kerry for Sinclair. That shows you something about Nader's integrity.

Kerry has said conclusively in his campaign speeches and in the debates that he is in support of the Middle and the Working class in this country. Edwards has been specific about this as well. Kerry is being supported by many labor unions.

The problem is that when you tell a guy that he's full of shit, it weakens your argument. It's a problem the fringe Left has had for a long time and makes them vulnerable to a kind of weakness. You can't yell down those who you disagree with and expect to win anything. Decent language is the only way
to a reasonable dialogue unless Naderites have dispensed with dialogue and just enjoy yelling.
