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Thread #74439   Message #1299982
Posted By: M.Ted
18-Oct-04 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
GUEST/NaderRaider and friends--

I have a lot of trouble with these statements:

>And oddly, they never talk about how the Democratic steamroller for Kerry has crushed the life out >of the movements for change

>The movements for true social, economic, and political change that had surged and grown >dramatically in the wake of the Bush/Cheney election theft of 2000, have now effectively been >destroyed by the liberal pimps and sell-outs for Kerry and the DLC.

for the simple reason that I don't see how any real political movement could be so easily destroyed--

I don't have much disagreement with "progressive" issues (unless you count Nader), but I think that 'progressives" like GUEST don't really understand how to work in the political system-

First--when you act anonymously, you are a non-entity, even to people who agree with what you might have to say--people follow people, not abstract ideas--

Second--issues don't create political power--organization creates political power--you can use an issue to rally the troops, but you have to have recruit and organize the troops first--

Third--Compromise is critical to extending political power, because all political power comes from building coalitions--and you can't consolidate without reconciling differences--