The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74439   Message #1300785
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
19-Oct-04 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
"Where is your proof that Nader took $8,000 from Swift Boat Veterans, FranK?"

Article in the New York Times.

"Telling someone they are full of shit weakens arguments for your generation, maybe, but certainly it doesn't for younger generations."

A generational gap is rely a specious argument. Not all "younger generation" people fall into lock-step and agree.

There are "fringe" groups that do more destruction than good. There were the Weathermen in the Sixties for example. They can be recognized by their
name-calling, violent solutions to social problems and their blind adherence to ideological leaders. Fortunately, they are not represented by any "younger generation".

If you have been following the Kerry stump speeches you would find that he does mention the "working class" as well as the "middle class". The emphasis he gives to the middle class is because it is deteriorating as the dispararity between rich and poor grows. At one time in our history, the working class was the middle class.

As for the Million Worker March and Jesse Jackson, I don't know why or if he didn't endorse it but it may be that he did. There is no proof that he didn't.

Nader is not going to win the presidential election. W (God forbid) might.
In short a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.
