The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74492   Message #1301631
Posted By: Jeri
20-Oct-04 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Subject: RE: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Jan, I missed you. I have nightmares about getting too sick to go to the Getaway. I've had colds before the Getaway that I'd mosty gotten over but were still messing up my voice when I went, and I've come down with colds during. If I'd felt as rotten before I left as I did last year on Sunday, I would have stayed home. None of them have been that serious, but staying up all night singing and freezing my butt off are really good ways to make a cold something worse.

Ron, I wish I'd played more music with you. David the Harp too, and I don't think I played at all with Pauline except a bit on Friday night. I didn't find any nice, loud informal acapella singing during the whole weekend. I don't know whether the usual suspects were tired, frozen, sick, or just buggered off back home. I possibly just missed it.

As to pictures, I'd like to see them too. The photographers are probably still recovering. One of the funnier things that happened was in the dining hall on Monday morning when people were leaving. Someone wanted to take a group shot (I missed the beginning of this) and folks were standing in that tiered, group photo formation. There were about 7 cameras. The funny thing was, pictures would be taken, then someone else would wander in and be directed to join the group. More pictures would be taken, then someone else would wander in, and...etc. If somebody were clever enough, they could make the sequence of photos into a little movie, with popping noises when another face magically appeared.

I brought my camera, and never once got it out. I was too busy playing, singing, or talking, and much too lazy to go up a hill to fetch it.