The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74558   Message #1301687
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
20-Oct-04 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I Shall Arise and Go to Jesus
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'I Shall Arise and Go to Jesus'
df, I fell in love with the Early American hymn tunes when I was a child and first heard "Holy Manna," (Gather Ye Who Now Would Worship...). You can find lots of these tunes at Southern Harmony (the William Walker hymnbook). here

The midis at this site have the tune in the tenor, so make sure you hear the tune. Check out the tune "Resignation" at this site. Once you find a tune you like, you can check out the words at this site, and then search at the Cyberhymnal for other hymns using that tune. You can also search the Cyberhymnal for tune names.