The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74492   Message #1302723
Posted By: Alaska Mike
21-Oct-04 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Subject: RE: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
OK, Getaway started for me sitting on my daughter's front steps singing and playing guitar while various people walked by looking at me like I was crazy.   Then Sinsull and Tinker coming by sharing hugs and allowing me to add my stuff to their substantial amount of wedding reception gear. The trip to Maryland was filled with great stories and much laughter. Thank you so much Tinker for transportation and conversations.

When we got to Ramblewood, there were so many wonderful memories:
*meeting El Greko, sharing songs with this talented fellow, and finding out that he must be a previously unknown brother.
*Once again hearing David's marvelous harp as he accompanied Lucy's unusually haunting voice, magnificent.
*Ron's viola and Susan's violin so sweetly playing behind me as I sang my song for the concert, Thanks again you two.
*The great planning on the part of FSGW, and superb meals provided by the kitchen staff.
*Singing my mini-concert in the wonderfully WARM sunshine on Saturday morning.
*Watching my good friend Mick get so embarassed when he tripped over his tongue.
*The incredible love and joy that was so obvious between Kendall and Jacqui.
*The harmonies of the Schatz family at the Saturday concert. WOW!!
*Putting a smiling face to the name "Bobert".
*Sharing a brew (or two) in Stalag 14 with the late night song demolition crew.
*Seeing KT and Ebbie (both fellow Alaskans) enjoying the Getaway as much as I did.
*Getting shushed for singing too loud.
*Hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs and hugs and songs and then more hugs from damn near everyone.

Sharing two fantastic days on the road with Mick as we traveled up to WYSIWYG's for a night of music, food, songs and blessed sleep. Then traveling through Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan stopping occasionally to eat, pee and find out about the mysterious paintings on the bridge in Hazel Hurst (2 words), PA.   Spending the second night in Cincinatti watching the Reds pulverize the Yankees and then visiting the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame the next morning. Missing time deadlines and finally arriving at my son's house in Traverse City after getting lost because my stupid Map program likes me to take the scenic route.

Thanks so much to all of you for making my visit to the Getaway so wonderful. I won't know if I can be there next year until it gets closer to the time, but I promise to try.
