The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74492   Message #1303051
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Oct-04 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Subject: RE: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
El Greko ...... what can I say? This man has a voice to die for, and has honed his use of it to a razor sharp edge. His delivery is right on, and his guitar work is really something. He knows how to mix it all up just right for a spectacular performance. And his lyrics .... well, he has become a favorite songwriter for me after one exposure. Wonderful talent, wonderful old friend just met. I am in awe, sir.

Yeah, we had a time, didn't we, lads and lasses? MESSAGE TO KENDALL: I am watching, and one slip and I am going to rob that lady from you. She is a catch of the first order. The love she has for our dear friend (he of the wrinkled .... nevermind) is equalled only by the love that her presence makes others feel for her. I am honored to have been able to sing "His English Rose" for them.

I absolutely loved being able to sing "Mary and the Seal" with karenk. Does this woman have a voice, or what? I was worried going in about voice match, but that dissipated quickly. What a treat!

KT sang her most stunning song, IMHO, which she wrote about her Mother. Her Mama "got away" some time ago, and the last time she sang it was at the funeral. What a gift she gave us by singing it for the first time. It affected her, but that pain gave the song even more meaning for me.

Jeri, when are you and I going to sing some of those marvelous songs you write?

The big lad himself (Alaska Mike) and I had a great ramble. I don't think we stopped chatting during the whole of two days, except when we put the occasional CD on. Between him and KT, I feel pretty confident that there are songs coming. Mike spent a lot of time sharing his passion for people with me. This man feels there are songs in and about every person he meets. He laid out for me how he uncovers them, gives the focus, creates them. And then, as we rambled the hills, valleys, and wonderful villages of Northern Pennsylvania, Providence decided that it would show me the wisdom of Mike's words. You will have to wait for the songs to hear the stories, but they will be worth the wait. You will hear of Hazel Hurst, a one armed waitress, Snorky, Tranzue, a piece of pine, and a bridge. We will introduce you to a woman, who started out prim and proper, and later showed us her heart, and let us glimpse the beautiful young woman she was years ago. She told us of the beauty when she was in bloom, and let us see the greater beauty of her soul in bloom. I couldn't have had a better guide on this journey than Alaska Mike Campbell.

And thanks to Dick Swain for the journeyman tuning duties .... I am in your debt ......LOL.

My goal is that you will all come to this special event, and make these memories. That is my goal for purely selfish reasons. I am always a better person when this is over. Won't you start to save now for next year? You won't be sorry.

All the best,
