The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74492   Message #1303461
Posted By: KT
21-Oct-04 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Subject: RE: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Well, friends, I really don't know where to begin. I am flabbergasted by the experience!!! (Isn't that a great word?!!)

For several years, I have been watching the Getaway threads and have felt such joy for all of you who attended, and an ever-deepening desire to participate. Last year was a distinct possibility, but I ended up traveling to NY for my niece's wedding in September and couldn't do both. So I determined that this was going to be the year of my first Getaway. Well, folks, it surpassed my wildest imaginings in talent, diversity, generosity, joy, love, surprise and hilarity. (Oh yeah, and cold!)

Ebbie and I began our Getaway by meeting Fotunato and Micca in the parking lot of our hotel. As I looked over the railing to see who was out there, I heard, "What light from yonder window breaks...." And it was all chuckles and grins from there. At Fortunato's, we were treated to a wonderful meal prepared by his dear wife, and then a grand music circle. TJ taught us a song in which we all had to take a break. Now the only guitar break I've ever taken was when I set it down to go and get a cup of coffee! So I was feeling a little (okay, a LOT) intimidated, but with their support, I stumbled through it, (like I had a choice?) and everyone was so very kind! We had a great time sharing music, and I remember remarking at the end of the evening, that if this was all there was to the Getaway, I'd go home happy. Ron Davies and everyone else assured me that that was just the beginning, and indeed it was!

I'm afraid to begin writing of all of the things that gave me such great joy over those few days, because it would be so long that it would probably crash this site for weeks. I think I'll have to write bits and pieces, over a period of several days.

For now, I will say that meeting all of you has been such a thrill! I was so excited every time I met someone new and put a face to the name I'd seen and " known" from these threads. There was no way to disguise the fact that I was a newbie! You are all more wonderful than I could
have realized from these threads and I'm so grateful to have been so welcomed into the fold.

After the Getaway, in our hotel room Monday night, Ebbie and I said goodnight to each and every one of you!! (in The Waltons fashion) Just couldn't help ourselves! (more confirmation that we're a bit....what did Bobert say, looney?)

We left our hotel at 5 the next morning to head back home. And ya wanna know the best part? We ALREADY have our plane tickets to come back next year!!!!!! NO KIDDING!!!!!!! The flight was overbooked by two and they offered us each a free ticket if we'd give up our seats!!! Now which of you wonderful folks arranged THAT, huh? There was so much magic in the weekend, that that wouldn't surprise me in the least!!

I'll post again soon, with memories, but for now, thank you , thank you, thank you, one and all, for welcoming me, and sharing such a delightful weekend. You're all fabulous and I'm so very grateful!!