The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14876   Message #130348
Posted By: Jeri
01-Nov-99 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: A suggestion - splitting off non-music
Subject: RE: A suggestion
I love the freedom of this forum, and the way people don't get complained at for going off topic - much like a face to face conversation. People start out talking about one thing and if the talk's really good, it pings off in all directions. Nobody says "I don't want us to discuss that, lets stick to the original point." (Well, they try, but it doesn't work very well.) If someone doesn't like the direction of a thread, they can wait a while, try to introduce something they want to talk about, or walk away and find a more interesting conversation.

It seems all Ed wants is a way to tell which threads are likely to be about music only. He definitely did NOT say the non-music stuff should go away. The prefixes will help identify music threads, as will the titles.