The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50024 Message #1303570
Posted By: Mark Cohen
22-Oct-04 - 01:18 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Where's the hole in the sea?
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Where's the hole in the sea?
Here's how Danny Kaye sang it on "Tubby the Tuba and Other Favorites":
On the last verse (fleck), he sings the first line and then the chorus (which has been singing the second line each time) says, "There's a WHAT?" and he replies, "Like I said--in the bottom of the sea."
Then after the last verse he sings, "So let's... flick the fleck brush the speck swat the fly twist the tail chase the frog flatten the bump break the branch burn the log fill the hole, Hole in the bottom of the sea 'Cause we need it like a the the the sea"
Aloha, Mark
(that's from memory...and I'll stand on its accuracy!)