The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14885   Message #130358
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Nov-99 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: Get well soon Big Mick
Subject: RE: Get well soon Big Mick
Hello, my friends,

It has been a tough couple of days.

For those who were at the Getaway, you may remember that I would just start sweating for no reason. No fever, but would just start sweating. Turns out that if I had a damn brain, I would have recognized what the symptom was. But the good feelings were so thick that weekend that one couldn't feel sick if they wanted to. All this past week I was feeling not quite up to snuff, but on Thursday, as I was getting dressed for the day, I felt a sinus headache coming on. It very quickly progressed to a piercing pain, blurred vision, nausea and weakness. I called the Dr. and tried to explain that I thought it was the worst feckin' sinus headache and they indicated that it sounded more like a stroke and get to Emergency Room as quick as possible. Now, I dealt with dying a long time ago, and it doesn't scare me. But the thought of sittin in a chair, helpless while 'Spaw and Rick dance around screwing with me and laughing hysterically (You know, "hey tough guy, what ya going to do now? Here, Big Mick, let's see what you look like with a squash in your ear and a spud up yer arse......." kind of stuff) scared the hell out of me. Well anyway, to make the long story shorter, they got me in and performed all sorts of very rude tests and determined that I had not had a stroke. NO SHIT!!!!! They gave me a load of some very good drugs and sent me home many hours later. I woke up the next morning to the realization, while they had told me what it wasn't, they had not told me what it was. And it was starting again. I called my Dr. (a lovely WEE man) and indicated to him that it is in the best interests of all concerned that I not be scared AND hurt, and would he mind putting that amazing talent of his to work figuring out what the hell is wrong. He figures it is a massive sub something kind of sinus infection. I am on massive antibiotics, allergy meds, and some sort of nasal inhalant. So, the world goes on, the infection seems to be responding to the regimen. And I have to head on the road with my traveling medicine show.

Which reminds me. Are there any 'Catters in the Cincinnatti area? I will be in a hotel there on Wednesday night and could probably get away for some music that night.

Thanks to all my dear friends here for the well wishes. It is not over, probably won't be for a while. But it is made easier for your presence.

And Mr. Foster........cute, real cute. I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..............LOL. Have fun while I am down a bit, but expect a rigorous battle for the hand of THE FAIR ONE as I recover. And sorry to hear that you have to swipe those undies..........if you work a bit on your technique, they will be given freely. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......Sorry, ladies, a bit of testosterone flowing there......

All the best,

Big Mick