The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74575   Message #1303658
Posted By: Ellenpoly
22-Oct-04 - 04:53 AM
Sadly, I do think it's likely that your problem is going to be lost in the shuffle with the politicians running in the coming elections.

If it's possible to wait until the smoke clears sometime after November 2nd (and it is going to be a very messy right after that day) it might be to your advantage.

Once we know who is going to be running the country, it might be easier to gain some attention for your situation.

I really do think that the chances are better for you if you can interest the media in any way possible. Like it or not, it's the media that now holds enormous power towards which people and what stories get attention.

The last thing I'd like to suggest is having to put your child in the spotlight at a time when she and you are already under so much pressure, but I do know how these things often work in the States, and if you can get a journalist interested in your story, you might be able to put some public weight behind your request for a visa waiver.

The one thing that Guest US said, which is true, is that the government has a lot on it's plate. You need them to start to have your story take up enough room on that plate for them to act.


(PS-Start small; if you have a local paper which will run an article, that can be your foothold towards getting wider attention. Even letters to the editor (and forgive me, but I'd advise you to have someone check your spelling so you can be as effective as possible) that you can get published, can then be forwared to other publications and TV and radio stations. It's about making your "cause" seem as legitimate as possible.)