The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14885   Message #130408
Posted By: Alice
01-Nov-99 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Get well soon Big Mick
Subject: RE: Get well soon Big Mick
Hey, big guy, you're not supposed to get sinus infections.. that's my department!! I still have the effects of a year-long sinus infection that came from letting what I thought was a "cold" go too far without going to a doctor. So much for saving money on medical bills. It took a year of heavy duty antibiotics, so, man, I hope this doesn't happen to you. Now I will live with the tendency to get them forever. As you know, it hurts your brain and makes thinking very fuzzy, as well as general body weakness. No fair, man, you were supposed to be the big strong guy all of us ladies could lean on!

Well, enough of that mutual misery mumbling... get better, and email me privately for advice on the home remedies and preventions I've discovered.
