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Thread #74418   Message #1304118
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
22-Oct-04 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: If Only Republicans would run...
Subject: RE: BS: If Only Republicans would run...
"Basically, be proactive and claim that republicans won't allow minorities to vote even if there if it does not exist.   You can read it on the Druge Report if you don't believe it."

I notice you use the word "basically". I would say that they said literally to speak up against probable election fraud. I would they were warning their workers to expect it and be proactive. They never actually said to make anything up. I believe Larry K, that you have just engaged in unfounded inuendo.

"I seem to also recall a number of republican HQ being shot at by democats, or ransacked by democrats, or mobbs invading the HQ.   You can tell they democats were the ones firing the guns, because they did not hit anyone. (from Ann Coulter)"

Larry you won't be offened If I ignore this hysterical B.S. will you? If George Bush and John Kerry both were going to take a shot at me I'd be a lot more afraid of Kerry. So she is dead wrong on both counts.