The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74492   Message #1304178
Posted By: GutBucketeer
22-Oct-04 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Subject: RE: Getaway 2004 - MEMORIES
Ok, After previous Getaways I've rushed home and been the first to post my thoughts and memories. This year I actually tried to get something done at work and have resisted posting until now. I was sort of hugging my thoughts and memories into myself and trying to perserve the feeling of last weekend. Memories kept popping up though and this darned thread drew me like some huge magnet. So I got sh##**! done. I was useless.

A lot of the public memories have already been stated. Here are some of mine that are a little more off the beaten path. They are not in any particular order.

Seeing the human side of Kendall and meeting the gal who brought it out. I've always been a little in awe of the Captain, and he seemed to be a new person this trip. Less gruff. More smiles.

Harmonizing and playing with Susan ARRRRRR. She has the ability to bring out the best musicianship in everyone.

Jamming with Alan C.

Singing and playing with Dani and Janie. They are both growing in confidence and skill musically.

Hearing Linda Goodman's songs and watching her performances in various workshops. She is the dimunitive gal that always is wearing a hat. She really is funny folks!

Talking with and getting to know better Alaska Mike, Jeri, Carli and others.

Hearing Tinker sing the blues and her "My Best Friend BOB song." Sharing an inside joke with MMario during Bob.

Getting hugged when I arrived.

Seeing Pene and Max again, and playing with them. The porch Jam with Janie and Dani was as close to heaven as I'm likely to get. Man I wish they were closer. We would have an awesome time.

And of course meeting KT, Ebbe (her smile makes me smile), Bobert, El Grecko, and everyone else. I'm ready to move to Alaska this minute. At one point Sunday night I looked across the room and thought how can we come from all across the globe and have such a rapport, and be just good folks. It's simply amazes me.

Having people like my music, the gutbucket and the cigar box guitar. This is much different from home and its great!


P.S. I understand that the recommended treatment for hypothermia is to get into a sleeping bag with another warm person. Next year, remember that I'm an old married guy and am therefore safe. I offer to come to the rescue of anyone that needs warmin' up. :-) Also, it was El-Grecko that was doing the snoring. I didn't hear anyone else :-)