The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74590 Message #1304232
Posted By: cumbrian
22-Oct-04 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: Warped Martin
Subject: RE: Warped Martin
sorry Richard, we bow to your superior knowledge..., sadly your comments mean sod all in the real world. I was merely stating exactly the kind of thing that happens every day. Exactly how long after purchase of an item can a customer reasonably expect to walk back into a store and demand a warranty repair or replacement ? Unless there is absolute proof that the fault could be traced back to the point of manufacture, I doubt very much that waving the sales of goods act around would mean a thing.
Stu, sorry for adding this response to the thread, I realise that it does not help you further, however, I really do hope that your friend manages to get this guitar back into playable condition.