The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1304541
Posted By: Amos
23-Oct-04 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Sorry I upset you, BB.

Your theft of my communication and then inverting it to pervert its meaning, and call it simply your own communication, was an underhanded maneuver. At least compose your own original thoughts.

The trust in the process was not broken by the Gore campaign. The Gore campaign asked for and received a recount of votes in a state which had been railroaded by Repubolican management, voters being disenfranchised illegally, ballots being miscounted, and the whole stew laid directly at the door of Bush and Harris, the Republic administrators of the state election.

THAT distortion, and the fraudulent news-casting by Fox's Bushie insiders, was what rotted the faith of Americans in the electoral process. That, and the blatant and arrogant use of influence to over-ride the State supreme court and (in my opinion) bring about injustice at the hands of a bought Federal Supreme Court.

To my view you are being either disingenuous or intentionally obtuse, I am not sure which. But that is just my opinion. I could be wrong.